We’re hiring…

In case this weekend’s posts on the lessons to take away from this summer, and the future direction of climate science and climate services have caught your interest, you might also be interested in one of our new open positions. All jobs are advertised on DMI’s webpage here. But let me draw your attention to a few in the group I work in – part of the National centre for climate research (National Center for Klimaforskning).

We are expanding quite rapidly at DMI currently – part of a strategic plan to ensure that we are primed for a generational shift at DMI, but also reflecting some of the themes I touched on yesterday – an expansion into climate services and the development of new machine learning based models and advanced statistical techniques for weather and climaet applications. Note also that the remote sensing part of NCKF

UPDATE: A new position advert has been added:

0) Climate Scientist with Focus on Decadal Climate Prediction


1) Researcher to work with climate services and projections of future African climate (3-year, funded by the development programme with Ghana Met)


2) Experienced Climate Advisor to the danish government (a generalist position, should be fluent in danish)


3) Administrative climate advisor and coordinator with public authorities in Ghana


Our sister units also have some interesting postings out that would also crossover with the work we do in our section on the climate of Denmark and Greenland.

4) Remote sensing and/or machine learning specialist for automated sea ice classification from satellite data – building on the very successful project ASIP


5) Climate scientist with focus on developing radio occultation data for climate monitoring (part of EUMETSAT ROMSAF project)


Come and join the team!

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